Meeting Schedule Updated 2023

On the web app and mobile guide the following have been updated –

New Meeting Day and Time – Road To Recovery – New Tuesday meeting added will be held at 7:00 pm

The printable meeting schedule has been updated for the District to reflect the following changes…

New Meeting Day and Time – Road To Recovery – New Tuesday meeting added will be held at 7:00 pm

Event Submissions –

If your group is having any upcoming events or anything you would like to add under the events calendar on the District website please use the form that was created Here. This helps us in getting the event posted properly using the maps and other items that the event calendar requests. Please submit the event form as early as possible so it can be posted to the District website.

Did you know…?

You can subscribe to events on the event calendar using your smart phone by going to the event and clicking on the image underneath it – as shown below –

Example of Image to subscribe to calendar event

Meetings are available to print here on our website. The printable meeting schedule is updated on the 1st of the month while the web view of the schedule will be the most current. The meeting guide app from GSO takes 12 hours to update so please keep that in mind! If you wish to download the app for the Meeting Guide App click here. The Meeting Guide App is available to the fellowship via AAWS and this district participates in the Meeting Guide App. The app is available for Android and Apple users at this time.

These changes have been made on the Meeting Guide app and on our district web view! 

All of the meetings here will now be listed on the website since we updated our district website we are NOW “connected” to the rest of our region. 

This means when someone reaches out for help and need a meeting within our area our all the meetings in our district will now be viewable on the area website and in the meeting guide app. We have also recently updated the way we connect with GSO through the meeting guide app. This allows for better filtering which can be updated like meeting type, location, donation, etc, when going to the area 59 meeting list.

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