Thanks for your interest in District 58 Area 59 Hotline Service!
“We answer the phone. We reach out the hand of A.A. We share our experience, strength, and hope.”
- For Individuals, calls made to District Hotline are transferred to their phones. An internet connection is highly suggested. Access to information on meetings in the area is imperative or have access to the Meeting Guide App from AAWS.
- Calls will be routed to the phone number contact you provide. Incoming calls cannot be guaranteed from same contact number from the service.
- When someone reaches out dialing our 1-800 hotline the answering service takes their info then gets in contact with someone from the District Hotline list.
Questions about District Hotline service?
If you have a question or want to email an application, please contact the us at
Suggested Requirements (for Individuals)
- Phone access
- Six (6) months sobriety
- Internet connection (or meeting lists)
Sign Up for the District Hotline!
A 12th Step is when one alcoholic carries the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic. This can happen over the phone or in person. District 58 Area 59 offers a 24-hour hotline. When we get a call that requires someone to help the caller we take the information and the answering service we refer to the 12th Step list. This can happen at any time of the day or night.
When filling out this 12th Step form, please indicate what days and times that you are available to receive calls for 12th Step work.
In preparation for a 12th Step, it is wise to read the Chapter, “Working With Others” from the book Alcoholics Anonymous. This chapter presents some very practical advice on how to work with another alcoholic.
Complete the Form Below to Signup
**All information you provide is confidential and will only be shared with the intended party**