Printable Meeting Schedules

The latest meeting schedules on this page and are not always the printed version. The printed versions are available to download and distribute below. Questions? See FAQ Below –

Meeting schedules are most current on our website. Meeting Schedule Page (Click Here)

Please submit meeting schedule changes to:

The printable meeting is updated on the first of the month. Schedule was last updated: 11/1/2024
This is our most current PRINTABLE schedule.
Please destroy all old printed schedules are they are inaccurate.

Meeting Schedule FAQ –

Why is this not the most up-to-date meeting schedule?

The most current may not printable view because the printable meeting schedule only gets updated on the 1st of the month.

When does the meeting on the website version get updated?

If the group decides on a meeting change at the business meeting it is the website goal to update the information on the website before the group meets at their next scheduled meeting. Email the meeting guide changes to ASAP. Please submit your meeting schedule change requests before the end of the month. Printable meeting schedule will be updated on the first of every month.

How long does it take to update the meeting schedule on the website?

The meeting schedule gets updated as soon as possible usually about 24-72 hours from when we receive the meeting update request. The meeting schedule is updated on the website and the change is immediate.

Does the meeting guide app and the website update at the same time?

No. The Meeting Guide App takes approximately 12 hours to update once the change has been made. This is not something we can control since the meeting update needs to process from district website update and sends info to AA World Services (AAWS) which then updates the info on the Meeting Guide App.