Printable Meeting Schedule Updated!

The printable meeting schedule has been updated for the District to reflect the following changes…

Removed – 

-Saturday – 8pm Shamokin 12&12 meeting from the meeting schedule as this was listed in error. 
-Tuesday – 7pm Fourth Dimension meeting removed.

Renamed –

Shamokin Old Timer’s Meeting to Shamokin Friday Night

These changes have been made on the Meeting Guide app and on our district web view! 

All of the meetings here will now be listed on the website since we updated our district website we are NOW “connected” to the rest of our region. 

This means when someone reaches out for help and need a meeting within our area our all the meetings in our district will now be viewable on the area website and in the meeting guide app. We have also recently updated the way we connect with GSO through the meeting guide app. This allows for better filtering which can be updated like meeting type, location, donation, etc when going to the area 59 meeting list.

Added links on printable meeting schedule to subscribe to events calendar at:

Subscribe to our new District Newsletter at:

If you happen to notice something that is not correct please email:

More updates are coming with the website stay tuned and you can start subscribing to our newsletter as we get thing built.